3D printing machine and filament

3d printers
The 3 d printer I am using for this project is a Bambu lab PIS. It is easy to use, well supported by its producers and online forum.

printing filament
The filament I will be using will primarily be PLA. Poly lactic acid. It is formulated from plant material.
This product is fully biodegradable using industrial composting techniques. heat aeration and finely shredding the material.
It can be collected and placed in the green organics bin in a number South Australian council areas.
PLA is inexpensive, easily available and comes in a wide range of colours and textures. It has Australian manufacturers, requiring less carbon miles.
PLA combined with wood fiber is more quickly degraded but still requires industrial techniques.
A preferred type of filament is PHA . it is derived through natural fermentation. This product is home compostable and biodegrades in all biotopes including marine environments.
The brand I can currently source is allpha and manufactured by colorfab in the Netherlands. It is expensive and not always available with Australian distributors.