Artists and artworks.
Artworks and artists that inspire or inform this project.
This section will be updated and rearranged as the research develops.
Some artists are selected because their ideas resonate with this project, others the techniques used or appearance of the work itself I find intriguing. A common thread is a visual complexity that retains a flow or rhythm that though not obviously structured, is considered. For me it draws the eye and mind into the work.
​Hortus XL
eco-logic studios.
H.O.R.T.U.S. XL Astaxanthin.g is a large scale, high-resolution 3D printed bio-sculpture receptive to both human and non-human life. The project, first commissioned by the Centre Pompidou in Paris, is conceived by Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto (ecoLogicStudio) and developed in collaboration with the Synthetic Landscape Lab at the University of Innsbruck.

Dunne and Raby Designs for a World of Many Worlds: After the Festival depicts the imagined artefacts of a fictional festival celebrating a shift in the collective mindset of human beings. Moving away from a human-centric viewpoint, it is imagined by designers Dunne & Raby that humanity could come to understand its place in a multi-species reality, where each organism perceives and experiences their shared environments from a unique sensory perspective. Accompanying the totems and mementos, which illustrate how human-produced sound, fragrance and matter is experienced by other species, a festival costume, including a hat, shoes, glove and rucksack, suggests the celebratory garments of another time and place. Designs for a World of Many Worlds: After the Festival asks humans to imagine how they impact the worlds of other species and how their presence is perceived and spatialised.

Studio Drift , "murmuring minds" 2024
An interactive performance installation that explores the intricate pattern governing movement and process. within a designated space, sixty autonomously- moving rectangular blocks act as a swarm executing specific behaviors.