digital art, art robots and the intra-active world
a phd creative research project by
Megan Roodenrys
Welcome to a project that delves into the intricate relationships between humans and nonhumans, explored through the lens of creative practice. The work featured in this website is seeks to investigate how diverse life forms perceive, think, and interact using sensory modalities beyond human capability-such as echolocation, infrared sensing, electrical fields, seismic vibrations, and chemical signals. In these nonhuman realms, what is invisible to humans may be tangible, while what seems solid to us might be imperceptible to other creatures. This project features interactive digital sculptures inspired by the perception response systems of simple organisms, brought to life through 3d printing. These sculptures are equipped with programmed electronics and sensors, allowing them to detect and respond to human viewers as well as each other. an important aspect of this research is to reveal the imperceptible worlds to human audiences, challenging traditional human-centric viewpoints. t\this work explores the blurred boundaries between humans, technology, and other species, encouraging reflection.