Sensitive growth is an intra-active art robot.
A digital and physical 3-dimensional college. This work is a combination of manipulated and modified 3 d scans of organic life forms and electronic components.
Informed by organisms in nature, it integrates coral and seedpods, leaf buds and fungi. Its shapes, colours and proportions refence fungal growth, reefs and microcellular organisms.
This artwork is also a machine.
Echo location detects the proximity of its human audience. These signals are interpreted and the small motors embedded within the work change their movements in a response to the viewer. This creates a conversation as human and artwork modify their behavior in response to each other.
Installed in the corner of room
"Sensitive growth" presents a speculative fiction as this organic machine hybrid claims the lesser used elements of architecture as its environment.
This work can take two forms, "cloud" and "bulb".
Sensitive growth cloud form

Sensitive growth cloud and bulb form